Displaying One Session

  • M. ROYER
Regular Submission
  • M. ROYER
Session Description
In August of 2018 in Frederick, Colorado, Chris Watts strangled his pregnant wife Shanann and then killed their two daughters, burying all three bodies at an oil drilling site. He was handed three consecutive life sentences. The Watts case is but one example of numerous instances of maternal homicide, the leading cause of death for pregnant women. Most maternal homicides are committed by intimate partners, creating a pregnancy-domestic violence link that until the early 2000s was largely unknown and still remains under-reported and under-recognized. Healthcare providers, social workers, law enforcement, and advocates all have a critical role to play in bringing this pregnancy-domestic violence link to light. This session will cover existing research on maternal homicides committed by spouses and partners, provide attendees with insight on the three forms of reproductive coercion, and help participants identify safety planning strategies and safety assessments to use with pregnant women at risk of partner violence.
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Fatal Fatherhood: The Link Between Pregnancy and Domestic Violence (ID 18)