Displaying One Session

  • M. MOUA
Regular Submission

Change Your Question, Change Your Leadership: The Transformative Impact of Powerful Questions (ID 290)

  • M. MOUA
Session Description
This interactive workshop focuses on the impact that powerful questions have in leadership development, whether its your personal leadership or the leadership of your employees and your teams. Asking powerful questions and then pausing to listen and reflect is an important skill for leaders, whether you're new to managing or you're a seasoned manager. Powerful questions help us to be more effective leaders and can create breakthrough impact that is transformational. Asking the right powerful question can inspire creativity and innovation, improve your leadership decision-making, increase your engagement and influence over others, grow your self-awareness or a team’s awareness, create a culture of resiliency, and much more. Using your own experience as a leader, you will be able to describe the impact of powerful questions to your unique situation including identifying 3-4 powerful questions to immediately apply in your workplace. Walk away with a clearer understanding of how powerful questions can unpack your assumptions and the values and beliefs that drive your leadership effectiveness.
Symphony 1 & 2
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM