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Community Collaborations in Social Justice (ID 170)

Session Description
Whether you currently serve justice-involved youth or not, you are probably aware that it is often just one bad decision a youth makes that can lead to a lifetime of challenges. Nearly two million young people under the age of 18 are arrested each year nationwide. A majority of them suffer from symptoms of aggression, depression, or anxiety or persistent mental illness. In their communities, they often face additional barriers such as ongoing re-traumatization, poverty, housing instability, parental mental health and/or chemical dependency, school systems with limited funding and resources, and community violence. And often there are limited support services available. Youth-serving professionals too often face the challenge of serving these young people in isolation; encouraged to compete with one another by limited resources and stringent request for proposal procedures. In this session, you will explore ways that you can combat the push to compete and create partnerships as community providers to meet the complex needs of correction-involved youth. Through a mix of interactive media, research, anecdotes, and case studies from the Rebound, Inc.’s residential programs, presenters will provide an overview of the work they are doing with correction involved youth in North Minneapolis; focusing on trends in resident needs, interventions provided to meet resident needs, recruitment and retention of staff, and staff training and support. The presenters will use a mix of research, anecdotes and case studies from Rebound, Inc.'s residential programs, and interactive media to engage those in attendance in exploring the replicability of such a model in their own jurisdiction and will encourage systems partners in ways that they can attract and support high quality culturally specific providers in their area.
Marquette 1-3
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM