Course Development and Curricular Design Current/Best Practices Abstract UME - Preclinical

Utilization of an Online Interactive Student Portal to Complement Student Learning at VCOM

Virtual Presentation
T11 - Technology in the Curriculum
Course Development and Curricular Design
Intended Audience Track
Undergraduate Medical Education - Pre-clinical Education Faculty
Presentation Type
Current/Best Practices Abstract
Leo Druker, BS, VCOM-VC
Jeffrey Wright, MPH, VCOM-VC

Not presenting
Cathy Callahan, MD, MPH, VCOM-VC

Poster Rating


We created a dynamic student-curated digital resource portal as a tool for medical students to complement student learning and foster discussion and collaboration. The Web-based Interactive Student Portal (W.I.S.P) incorporated several organizational and social tools allowing students to interact with one another, and to easily view, post, search, and filter study resources including study guides, practice exam questions, links to online content, videos, images, and other educational assets. The project demonstrates that students readily accessed and utilized these shared resources.